Thursday, August 1, 2013

No bike for you!

I was so incredibly disappointed after work today. I have been wanting a certain bike for months. I finally was going to get it today. All day long I've been singing "BICYCLE! BICYCLE!! I want to ride my bicycleeee!!!!!" (by Queen) and I clutched my pouch with the money in it in great anticipation. My smile increased and I walked closer to the rack. My hand poised to reach the lovely, light blue Panama Jack Cruiser, complete with the rack, little basket and water bottle holder, my smiled slowly faded and I could hear the old "wa-wa-wa-waaaaaa". My beautiful, long awaited cruiser was no longer there. Devastation kicked in. Disappointment welled in my chest. I called my Mister, "MY BIKE IS GONE!!!" and his response echoed mine. "What?? It's been there for weeks! What do you mean it's gone?" I reply, "It's gone, not here, bye bye, no where!" "Well," says he, "Is there another one you like or want?" "No," sayeth I, "there's that bright pink one! You know I don't do pink!" What more could I say? How could I settle for another bike when my heart was set on that blue beauty?? Away I walked with downcast eyes. Look, that happy little boy got the bike he wanted. I stomped dejectedly away...and cheered up immediately when I hit the craft department.

I will definitely get my bike soon though. I love getting on a bike and just tooling around on it. It also beats getting in a vehicle, starting it and driving less than a mile to run to Safeway. Healthier too...