Saturday, August 31, 2013

Feed Me, Seymour

I really think I should change the name of this blog to Bloopered Attempts Of A Crazy Woman. I really have a lot of fun attempting the things I attempt, even if they don't turn out. Knowing my penchant for killing plants, I'm not entirely sure why I took on this little endeavor.

 Many months ago I decided I would try to plant a little green house with herbs and lavender. I followed the directions and lovingly planted seeds in to each pod. How wonderful would fresh mint taste in my sweet tea? How beautiful would lavender smell, tenderly placed in vases throughout the apartment. I tended to them just like the directions said. I was so excited to see them sprout! I was giddy! I actually brought forth a living plant. YAY Me!! Some of them sprouted anyway. Like 4. For me that is a major victory. It was time to re-pot them. I got the Miracle Grow potting soil that controls moisture, transferred the pods to their new home and set them out on the patio. I didn't worry about watering too much because the sprinklers go off and water them.

3 weeks ago, I took the first picture, since their inception in the green house. I didn't know which of these survived. I posted them and the guesses were numerous. I decided to just call it "The Weed" It was typed in to a search engine and nothing was matching this furry stemmed gem. I was amazed a week later when I saw little buds. Nothing bloomed but it was definitely bigger. This morning I looked out and the poor dear was flopped over, wilted and sad. I was sure I finally killed "The Weed". I came home and peeked out the sliding door and there stood The Weed, with darling little blooms!! She stood proud and tall. I ignored her and she grew! My aunt said, "FEED ME!!!"

Henceforth, The Weed shall be called Audrey II.

The greenhouse
3 weeks ago
 2 Weeks ago
 Flowered Glory!

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