Tuesday, August 27, 2013

A Little Experiment

I'm dealing with some huge frustrations at work and so I have been dealing with some bouts of high blood pressure. Social networking doesn't help with the doom and gloom and poor, pitiful me status updates, political rants and doomsday prophesying. I took my blood pressure as I was looking over a social networking site, (yeah, yeah, we all know which one but, whatever) and it was way too high for my liking. I wait and continue to look and read. A minute later I take it again. Still too high. Now I need to figure out how to get my blood pressure down and I spy a video called the Evolution of Dance. I click, despite the fact I have seen it before, as it's always good for a grin. While I am watching it, I click the test button. When it's finished my bottom number is down 10 points. Hmmm, interesting. Laughter probably is the best medicine. I
continue scrolling and read some more grumpiness and doom and gloom, take it again and it's up 5 points. Then, I come across cute animals falling asleep. Who can resist cute animals falling asleep? I click and begin to watch. The awww's and and the giggles commence and while I watch, you guessed it, it's back down again.

So when some one tells you laughter is the best medicine, believe them. I'm doing my best to live by the words "Let Go and Let God," "What? Me worry?" Let things roll off your back and try not to let work get to you-or anything  for that matter. Smile a lot. Laugh even more. Life is short, so, dance, sing, laugh, love and pray! You'll feel so much better!


  1. That's so cool. I don't even have high blood pressure and that social media site gets to me sometimes. That's why I write. When I can get some of those things out of my head, my stress levels plummet and I'm good.

    I love you sister!!!

  2. I always say I am going to swear off social media but then I wouldn't know what's going on with people. I really wish I had your talent for writing. I would love it.

    I love you, too!!
