Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Mach-5 With My Hair On Fire

I have been running non-stop lately. I have a trip with the Mister scheduled to Sunriver Resort next month. It's a service weekend for his job. Beautiful spot up north of Bend, Oregon. I will definitely post pictures. I made 24 candles on Monday and with in an hour of posting, all of them had sold. I guess it's time to put in bigger orders. I also seem to have a pretty high demand for my Bombdiggety Balm.

Life is getting exciting!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

I'm An LLC!

I finally got my trade name registered! I am now JaZZE Creations, LLC. My business is candles and Bombdiggety Balm (lipbalms) Not quite sure how much more excited I can get

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Hello, It's Me

I've ignored you for such a long time. I am truly sorry.

Well I can't find a "recipe" to make candles of one color that melt another BUT I'm thinking if I make a pillar candle and paint it with a non toxic paint, that may work.

I also went back to the drawing board on my lip balms. I am really not happy with the consistency. I still think it is entirely too hard and waxy to use. I have someone who wants to order some for stocking stuffers. I also have several scents on the way for my candles. Pumpkin pie spice, blueberry, bluebonnet and the smell of Christmas. I ran out of supplies and am so looking forward to getting back to my little corner of happiness.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Challenge Accepted

So my son has thrown down the gauntlet. He wants me to make a candle that is one color and as it melts it has a different color inside. Then my mom joined the challenge. Add spiders or something and make holiday themed candles. I guess it's time to start doing some homework...

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Another Order On The Way

I gave a lot of my first batch of candles away. I ordered 10 lbs of soy and am waiting for it to come in so I can make more. I took the remainder of what I had to work with me and sold them all. They were a huge hit! I already have orders for more. I need to sell enough to order a lot more wax and scents and I have my eye on a SUH-WEET Nikon camera.

If you are looking for a relaxing hobby, this is it!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Morning Comes Too Early

I've said it so many times. I am so not a morning person. I have to be up at 4:15 a.m.  to be to work at 6 a.m. for a task that needs to be done. Any volunteers to go to work for me tomorrow? or maybe even move 6 a.m to around noon?

Sunday, September 29, 2013


So glad to be back selling Thirty-One bags and totes again. Based on the scripture Proverbs 31. I love that it's a bible based business. I love, love, love these totes and bags. I admit to copying and pasting here but the scripture remains the same.

Proverbs 31:10-31

King James Version (KJV)
10 Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.
11 The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil.
12 She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life.
13 She seeketh wool, and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands.
14 She is like the merchants' ships; she bringeth her food from afar.
15 She riseth also while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household, and a portion to her maidens.
16 She considereth a field, and buyeth it: with the fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard.
17 She girdeth her loins with strength, and strengtheneth her arms.
18 She perceiveth that her merchandise is good: her candle goeth not out by night.
19 She layeth her hands to the spindle, and her hands hold the distaff.
20 She stretcheth out her hand to the poor; yea, she reacheth forth her hands to the needy.
21 She is not afraid of the snow for her household: for all her household are clothed with scarlet.
22 She maketh herself coverings of tapestry; her clothing is silk and purple.
23 Her husband is known in the gates, when he sitteth among the elders of the land.
24 She maketh fine linen, and selleth it; and delivereth girdles unto the merchant.
25 Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come.
26 She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness.
27 She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness.
28 Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.
29 Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all.
30 Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised.
31 Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

The Makers of Nyquil Thank You

Keep your stinky, icky nasty germs to yourself, Here's how:

1. Wash your hands. There's a reason it's called universal precaution. Use soap and water for at least 20 seconds and scrub. Sometimes you can't be near soap and water so carry a good sanitizer. I'm a huge fan of Germ-X

2. Cover your mouth and nose with the crook of your arm or a tissue or handkerchief. It blows me away how many people sneeze and cough right out into the open air! Manners people!!! Besides, it's disgusting!

3. Disinfect your house, your area, your work space. Do it with Lysol, bleach, vinegar, what ever. Especially at work and school where people are right behind you at every turn.

4. Use disposable things, like towels, cups, etc. That way it isn't laying around where any one can just pick it up. Homes with little hands that grab at things, we don't want our little sugar plums sick.

5. Take care of yourself. Plain and simple. Get plenty of rest, lots of vitamins and vitamin C. You've often heard it said, "How can you take care of others if you don't take care of yourself?"

Obviously, we're going to get sick at some point. I understand that, but by following these very simple things we can lessen the potential spread of those icky, nasty germs.

Thursday, September 26, 2013


I'm so excited. I have become a Thirty-One consultant again. I love, love, love their bags! Looking forward to this second and hopefully successful go 'round

Monday, September 23, 2013

Not Bad For A Crazy Woman

I did my first batch of real candles, with scents and dyes and everything. I have to say I am very impressed with the outcome.  Before you start, heat your oven to about 120. I just turned mine on warm. Put your jars on a cookie sheet and put them in the oven. You don't want to pour hot wax into cold jars. Leave them in there while the wax melts. I took them out as needed. On warm they shouldn't be too hot but still be careful
Ten pounds of soy

Very easy to work with

Use about a pound and put it in your pouring pot. Don't forget to use a pan you won't really care what happens to it. Fill it with about 2-3 inches of water and you have a double boiler

Lavender dye in the wax. Heating to between 160 and 180 degrees. (Add your dye and fragrance oil after it is melted. You will need approximately 1 oz of fragrance oil per pound of soy and shavings or drops of dye. Play with it til you get the color you want.)

Add your glue dot to the bottom of the wick

Use a straw to put the wick in and give it a firmer press to the bottom of the jar

Use a wick bar to keep the wick centered and pour your wax

Once you know the wick will be stable you can remove the wick bar and cut the wick to about a quarter inch. Put a lid on them and let them cure about a week before you light them.

Pictured is Blueberry and Apple n' Peel. I also made Autumn Harvest and Coconut milk with kiwi and lavender.

Autumn Is Here!

Autumn Harvest fragrance oil, that is! I can't wait to get in the kitchen and start playing with my candles.

Stay tuned. Pictures of the process to come later today.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Happy First Sunday Of Fall

Good Sunday morning my little ducklings. I've missed you so. The antivirus ran out on my laptop so it was time to renew. Some (as my grandson would say) stoopie website connected itself to my computer and I can't get rid of it. I stayed off of the computer as much as I possibly could, so as not to get a bad virus. Kind of hard to blog from your phone or Kindle Fire.

At any rate, I finally got my candle making kit from Lonestar Candle Company. I am so excited. I will be a candle making fool tomorrow. I was a little disappointed, though because it is missing one of the scents I ordered. Now I am waiting for three of them to get here.

I am using soy this time so I really think I am going to have better results with this batch. I am not really impressed with beeswax for candles. I have quite a bit of old candle making supplies that I think I will just get rid of and start fresh.

So until tomorrow, have a wonderfully wonderful first Sunday of fall

Thursday, September 19, 2013


I'm like a little ole kid in a candy store or a happy kid on Christmas it any cliche you want to call it but I got my candle making kit today. They aren't necessarily the scents I would have chosen, but hey, any reason to play with hot wax and burners, I'll take it.

I have my candle testers ready so they can test the burn time and the strength of the scent. I am so ready to market these babies. The closer I get to making these and selling them the more excited and impatient I get.

I'm still trying to get my Washington State Business license set up and to find out if the name I have chosen has been taken but other than that, that's all that's left to do and I can really start getting in to the craft.

There are so many things I want to try. Styles, scents, shapes,'s endless. Just when I think I want to try one thing, I see something else. It's been a long time since I have found a hobby that I am this excited over.

I can't wait to see what happens next!

Monday, September 16, 2013


I am trying to get everything registered so I can start experimenting and building my business. I'm trying to register and apply for everything online and the darn Washington State licensing site won't let me sign in! I just want to get this done so when I am ready everything is in place.

Sheer frustration! I've vented now. Back to work

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Hemp Rope Vase

I decided to be creative and I think for a first attempt it turned out really well. I used an instant coffee jar, 45 ft of hemp rope, tacky glue and some ribbon and bric-a-brac I had laying around. Very simple, I wrapped the rope around the jar, securing it with glue, made ribbons and attached the flowers

Please forgive the copy and paste font. That's exactly what I did after I typed out the directions on my Facebook page.

Materials needed:

Hemp rope- I used 45 feed I ordered from Amazon
Any type of jar-I used a Suave instant coffee jar
Tacky glue-That is what it's called. You can get it in any craft section or craft store
Any type of ribbon or beads of your choosing

The key to this craft is patience. I started at the top, because for me it is easier. My mom suggested starting at the bottom because, if you run out of rope you can cover it if you run out easier. I started by gluing at the top and holding the rope down inch by inch until I got a really good groove going. Once I was able to start on the base of the jar, I glued about a half inch wide zig-zag all the way around and wound the rope tightly against the next row. Keep doing this until you reach the bottom. Once you see the bottom has a tight hold then you can let it go and begin attaching the accessories. I used ribbon so it would cover that last 1/4 in that I ran out of rope.

 I didn't realize the picture didn't turn out well but you get the idea.

Way Excited!

I am waiting impatiently for my candle making kit. I can smell the autumn harvest fragrance oil now. It has all the essentials I need to make really awesome candles.

On another note, I still think my lip balms are too waxy. I get some who like them that way and others who want them smoother. I have done as much research as I possibly can find on the subject and have tried everything but can't get it any smoother. Looks like I need to find another group to join...

Monday, September 9, 2013

Switching It Up A Little

Finally found some time to make some lip balms. I made tangerine, tropical punch, pineapple and peppermint. I think my last batch was a little too waxy so I added another teaspoon of almond oil.

You will need a small saucepan or deep skillet that you won't mind getting messy.
Glass jars with lids or a small glass measuring cup
Lip balm tubes or jars.
Something to protect your counter top

Fill the pan about halfway with water. Make sure when you put the jar in the pan, the water only reaches about halfway up the jar.

In a glass jar with a lid (I use a small glass measuring cup) combine:

4 teaspoons beeswax
2 teaspoons shea butter
3 teaspoons almond oil (for a glossier balm, add another 1 1/2 tsp)
Flavored oil (I use LorAnn Gourmet Flavoring)

Make sure you use Flavored oil and not essential oil. There is a difference

I use an electric stove so I put the the burner on medium heat and let the ingredients melt slowly. While the ingredients melt put the lid on the jar loosely. The only reason for this is if you choose to shake the jar after you add the flavor oil. I prefer to stir it.

Once the ingredients are melted together add 1/4 teaspoon of any flavor oil. Remember to use oil and not extract. The old adage, "Oil and water don't mix" applies here. If you choose the jar method, tighten the lid and shake vigorously. If you choose the measuring cup like I do, use a wooden stir stick or chopstick and stir really well.

All that is left to do is slowly pour into your tubes or jars.

It's a really good idea to let them cool and solidify for 24 hours before use.

Once you are finished, wipe your jars as clean as you possibly can and wash by hand in extremely hot water. Sink drains don't like beeswax.

There you have it. Enjoy

I use a silicone ice cube tray to stand my tubes
 Got a little sloppy on the pour.


I can hardly stand myself right now. I am getting everything set to start my new phase in life. I HAVE AN ACTUAL DOMAIN NAME AND PAYPAL ACCOUNT!!!!! Sorry for yelling, haha. I am working on getting the name for my business licensed in Washington and all the tax junk taken care of. It's the next step in achieving a goal I have set for myself. It may not make a lot of money and it may not even take off, but, ya know what? I can say I gave it my best shot!

I can't wait to see what comes next!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Let The Lessons Begin

I am really amazed at all the different ways there are to make candles. My dabbling is nothing. I began doing my homework on candle making, joined a few websites and started reading books. The more I looked, the more I thought, "WOW! I need to learn to make those!"

I saw gel votive candles, and Root Beer floats, sundaes, ocean motifs and sand design. I don't even know where to start. I know I need to start with the easiest. I need to learn flash points, and which fragrance oils are the best and where the best place is to buy supplies. How much fragrance do I use for the best scents? It's overwhelming.

One thing is for sure, I want to learn and I hope mine are as nice as the ones I see online and in books.

Have a beautiful Sunday. It's time to do more homework

Monday, September 2, 2013

Lots To Think About

I talked to someone today about all the things involved in creating your own business. What you should do, what you shouldn't do, what you need, what you don't need. How you should go about getting there and what steps you should take. So very much to wrap my head around and having only 8 months to make it a reality, per my one year plan. I thank God for supportive family. They may think my ideas are far fetched or outrageous, but one thing is for sure, they stand by me and cheer me on even when they think it's another OH BROTHER idea. When I have a set goal, I intend to achieve that goal. I have with every goal I have set for myself. Call it what you will. Stubborn-ness, tenacity, whatever...

When I talked to this friend today, she kind of toned me back on what my plans were. I was wanting to do too much. Basically, I feel like, had I not talked to her I would have definitely set myself up for failure.

I certainly hope you will join me for the ride I am about to embark on and follow me each step of the way, for my triumphs and my failures, as I am sure there will be a little bit of both.

 Thank you if you chose to follow my journey

Sunday, September 1, 2013

The Next Step

I've really been thinking long and hard about financial independence. Don't get me wrong, I love what I do, but I don't love the stress. I've worked for this company for 7 years but I am really feeling the need to make an impact on lives in some other way. I also want to be able to get up in the morning to get a cup of coffee and look around and not feel like my apartment exploded because I haven't cleaned in a week. I want to be able to take a vacation or a weekend trip with out having to ask my boss for permission. I want to do something Christian based. The impact I want to make is to let people know God loves them. I began looking online and am considering getting a Washington State Reseller License. It's free, so why not? If I'm not selling, I don't pay taxes, haha. Then, I am going to begin looking for bulk items and things to resell.

I have a 1 year plan. I only have 8 months to go. Here's my problem. I don't know what to do. I have very little money to put down to buy. I have a pretty solid idea of what I want to sell. Then the next problem is where do I sell? Do I create on online store and ship from home? I've tried everything that appeals to me and have only met with failure. It's obvious I haven't found the right thing, yet. Do I sell trinkets, Bibles, books, music, etc? I have a lot of research, thinking and praying to do. Advice is welcome, as well.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Feed Me, Seymour

I really think I should change the name of this blog to Bloopered Attempts Of A Crazy Woman. I really have a lot of fun attempting the things I attempt, even if they don't turn out. Knowing my penchant for killing plants, I'm not entirely sure why I took on this little endeavor.

 Many months ago I decided I would try to plant a little green house with herbs and lavender. I followed the directions and lovingly planted seeds in to each pod. How wonderful would fresh mint taste in my sweet tea? How beautiful would lavender smell, tenderly placed in vases throughout the apartment. I tended to them just like the directions said. I was so excited to see them sprout! I was giddy! I actually brought forth a living plant. YAY Me!! Some of them sprouted anyway. Like 4. For me that is a major victory. It was time to re-pot them. I got the Miracle Grow potting soil that controls moisture, transferred the pods to their new home and set them out on the patio. I didn't worry about watering too much because the sprinklers go off and water them.

3 weeks ago, I took the first picture, since their inception in the green house. I didn't know which of these survived. I posted them and the guesses were numerous. I decided to just call it "The Weed" It was typed in to a search engine and nothing was matching this furry stemmed gem. I was amazed a week later when I saw little buds. Nothing bloomed but it was definitely bigger. This morning I looked out and the poor dear was flopped over, wilted and sad. I was sure I finally killed "The Weed". I came home and peeked out the sliding door and there stood The Weed, with darling little blooms!! She stood proud and tall. I ignored her and she grew! My aunt said, "FEED ME!!!"

Henceforth, The Weed shall be called Audrey II.

The greenhouse
3 weeks ago
 2 Weeks ago
 Flowered Glory!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Oops! I did it again

I decided I wanted my cartilage pierced. In May I had my left one done, but it didn't want to heal right so I took it out and let it close. I have this phobia of sleeping on my left side, due to years in the medical field. I told one of the girls at work that I was going to have it done and asked what time she went home. Well, she decided she was going to use me as a training tool. Me, like the idiot I am, I say, "Do both!!" What. Was. I Thinking??? The left ear doesn't hurt so bad. The right one? YOWSA!!! This thing hurts like crazy! So me, being the thinker of all things brilliant and stupid, decided to find something to use as an inner tube type thing so I can lay my head with my ear in the hole to sleep and my ear wouldn't touch the pillow. The only "idea" I came up with was one of those hemorrhoid pillows. I couldn't find them and I was too embarrassed to ask where they were. Of course, I work for a huge retail store and anyone who knows me at work wouldn't be surprised when I tell them what I wanted it for. When I got home I found my memory foam horseshoe shaped neck pillow and will use it to sleep on.

At least my ears look pretty!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

A Little Experiment

I'm dealing with some huge frustrations at work and so I have been dealing with some bouts of high blood pressure. Social networking doesn't help with the doom and gloom and poor, pitiful me status updates, political rants and doomsday prophesying. I took my blood pressure as I was looking over a social networking site, (yeah, yeah, we all know which one but, whatever) and it was way too high for my liking. I wait and continue to look and read. A minute later I take it again. Still too high. Now I need to figure out how to get my blood pressure down and I spy a video called the Evolution of Dance. I click, despite the fact I have seen it before, as it's always good for a grin. While I am watching it, I click the test button. When it's finished my bottom number is down 10 points. Hmmm, interesting. Laughter probably is the best medicine. I
continue scrolling and read some more grumpiness and doom and gloom, take it again and it's up 5 points. Then, I come across cute animals falling asleep. Who can resist cute animals falling asleep? I click and begin to watch. The awww's and and the giggles commence and while I watch, you guessed it, it's back down again.

So when some one tells you laughter is the best medicine, believe them. I'm doing my best to live by the words "Let Go and Let God," "What? Me worry?" Let things roll off your back and try not to let work get to you-or anything  for that matter. Smile a lot. Laugh even more. Life is short, so, dance, sing, laugh, love and pray! You'll feel so much better!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Sorry Folks!

"The moose out front should've told you"-National Lampoon's Vacation

I've been so busy this past week that I've neglected this poor blog. Work has been a bear and by the time I get home I don't have the energy to do anything. I did, however, try to paint a fan so that when it spins it turns all rainbow-y. Didn't work. I have so many projects to try to get going and they either don't turn out or I never get around to them.

Yesterday, the Mister and I went to Centralia, Washington to the Outlet Malls there. We met the in-laws for lunch at a yummy Mexican place called Casa Ramos. (929 Harrison Ave. Centralia, Wa 98531-2113 phone (360)330-2045)  I'm not real big on Mexican food unless it is certain places or made by certain people. This place was fantastic! I had chicken enchiladas with rice and black beans. So good! I even got festive and had a Corona. I can count on one hand how many drinks I've had in the last 5 years. I hit the Bath and Body Works Outlet store. Mom-in-law and I sniffed and smelled and it was wonderful. One of my favorite scents that you can't get in the retail stores anymore is being retired, so once it is gone in the outlet stores, it's gone forever. I cleaned them out of the last 7 bottles of Bergamot Coriander body lotion they had. I'm sure they had more in the back but I think the girl was afraid to bring them out. I made a lady mad because I picked them all up. I can't help it if you're slow and I am selfish...

There was also a really neat Christian Book store on the other side of the highway in the other outlet complex. I got a Beverly Lewis Trilogy (love me some Beverly Lewis) and the book Heaven Is For Real and a metal bookmark with the words Let Go and Let God. I dearly love cheap shopping trips!

This is definitely a place you should hit if you ever come through this way.

Need to go set up the spare room. My nephew in the Navy will be visiting this weekend!!! Hope to hit Multnomah Falls! Hike to the top, anyone??

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Nice Little Diner

If you're ever traveling in Vancouver, Washington, take a trip to 1110 SE 164th St.  and check out the Stardust Diner. We've lived in this town for 3 years and finally decided to try it. I can't believe we didn't stop before. This is a little metal diner just like in the 50's. Complete with a soda counter, malts and shakes, root beer floats and some of the best comfort food imaginable. There are table jukeboxes and a huge jukebox at the door. Walking in the music plays welcoming you to another, more pleasant era and a step back in to simpler times. The walls were filled with old pictures and old magazine and newspaper advertisements and Time magazine covers.  The girls wore their pony tails and the guys had their hair neatly parted on the side. Their uniforms were neat and clean and the restaurant was spotless. I have to say, in all the places I've traveled and restaurants we've dined in, this was by far the friendliest, most helpful staff. They checked on us just the right amount of times and were on top of removing things from our table. The longer we were there, the busier the place got and the staff remained unrattled and friendly.

Way to go Stardust Diner! You gained repeat customers!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

I Was Pleasantly Surprised

I was a little apprehensive when my eye doctor and I discussed trifocals. I was in them before, years ago, but I honestly don't think I really needed them. We did the exam and I have the trifocals for everything but bifocals for a pair of sunglasses.

I put them on and I could immediately tell the difference between the new ones and my old ones. Glory! then I used the bifocal field of the glasses. Clarity and perfection. Here we go, trifocal time. I thought, "Hmmm, this isn't so bad." and they really weren't until I started walking.

First off, I did my time as an optician so I should have suspected. These frames are significantly bigger than my old ones so there was a bit of distortion. I had been wearing bifocals for so long that I didn't even notice them. So as I walked, I marveled at my surroundings. I was finally getting used to them.

I sat at the computer and GLORY again! I didn't have to take my glasses off to see the screen! I was really getting excited here! I was doing my job without taking my glasses off and on. It was wonderful. Then I stood up.

I never realized the office floor had hills...when did they put those in there?

Monday, August 12, 2013

If At First You Don't Succeed

Try again. Today I attempted the lotions, lip balms and scented wax. My candles always turn out but I wanted to try them in the mini round ice trays so they could be used in burners. I think I need to let them cool a little longer.
Tropical Punch lip balm

My poor girl's double boiler

Finished lotion

A little too greasy, I think

But it's the right consistency

Eucalyptus scented wax just chillin'

Maybe we should have chilled just a little longer

Here We Go Again

I'm going to play mad scientist today. I am constantly trying to think of ways to get my creations to turn out with the right consistency. My only problem is, I use my handmixer so rarely that when I put it away I forget where I put it...

Anyway, wish me luck! Results and pictures to follow!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Lemons, Lemons, Lemons

I'm all for using natural products. Chemicals are harmful. In my attempt to find more fun craft projects I came across some uses for lemons. I put these uses in to my own words, because people who know me know I don't talk all hoity-toity. There are a few uses in here that I would suggest if you experience severe symptoms, you don't try to treat yourself. See a professional. Also, if you suffer any ill effects or damage to property, it isn't my fault. Seriously, these are some really good uses for lemons and hopefully they will benefit you. I have used lemon for several of these things so I can testify to the fact they work. Feel free to comment and let me know how the ones you try work.

So in the words of the Little Rascals: "Go suck a lemon!"

1. Freshen The Fridge
Take some fresh lemon juice or lemon juice from the bottle and put some on a sponge or something. Leave it in the fridge for about an hour. Just remember to clean all the science projects out first. Nothing will make it smell better if you have some wicked specimens in there.

2. High Blood pressure
Lemons contain potassium. Potassium helps with high blood pressure. Potassium also helps with nausea and dizziness. Also, think about those annoying leg cramps that wake you up in the middle of the night, kicking like a Ninja. Yep, can help those too.

3.Keep Cauliflower White
I personally would not want my cauliflower to taste lemon-y but if you put a teaspoon of lemon juice on cauliflower before heating or cooking, it will keep it white.

4. Get Mental
Lemon water can pep your mood and help relieve depression and stress. Long distance walker and runners also use it to refresh and get energy. I know a few people who could use lemon water as an upper...

5 Freshen That Cutting Board
You prepare all kinds of things on cutting boards. It can get pretty nasty with onions, garlic, fish, etc...Take a half of a lemon and rub it all over the cutting board before washing it. You can also wash it in lemon juice. Get the yucky onion smell off of your hands by washing them in lemon too.

6. Respiratory Problems
Lemon water can help reduce phlegm and also reduce asthma symptoms. Although I've heard this before, I really am not sure of the extent of truth in this one

7. Arthritis and Rheumatism
Lemons are a diuretic. Diuretics produce urine. This is supposed to help relieve fluids in your body and flush toxins so it acts as a pain reliever. (Not sure of the truth of this one either)

8.Kidney Stones
Lemon mixed with water may increase the production of urinary citrate-This fights the crystals that form to create kidney stones. My Mister and mom can testify that kidney stones are painful. My mom swears by lemon water.

9. Deodorize Your Garbage
Again, remove the science projects and throw leftover lemon and orange peels in the bottom before putting in a new bag. I personally think this defeats the purpose of a clean deodorized trash can, I wash mine out with vinegar and then when it's dry I sprinkle baking soda before replacing the liner.

10. Fruits And Veggies
Wash Em! Use lemon juice or even cut a lemon and scrub the fruits and veggies with the lemon before you rinse them.

11. Treat Infections
Sometimes gargling with salt water doesn't work when you have a sore throat. Try warm water and lemon. Lemon has wonderful antibacterial agents

12. Crisp Up Your Lettuce
I can't stand wimpy lettuce. Take a bowl of ice cold water and add a tablespoon or so of lemon juice. Let it sit in it for about an hour. Let the water drip off and toss a salad!

Your guacamole won't turn brown if you sprinkle some lemon juice on it. Makes it yummier too

14. Oral Health
Lemon juice can ease a toothache and stop bleeding gums. It's also a good emergency mouth wash. It fights all those dirty germs you have floating around. Swallow it and it helps fight bad breath longer. Make sure you rinse afterward though, because it isn't good for the enamel on your teeth. It can weaken it.

15. Age Spots and Freckles
I read Anne of Green Gables a number of times. Anne Shirley hates her freckles so she rubs lemon on them. To her dismay it only lightens them and doesn't take them away.

16. Blonde Highlights
Take a 1/4 c of lemon juice and a 1/4 cup of water and rinse. You will have to do this several times. DO NOT-I REPEAT-DO NOT use peroxide. I learned this as a dumb teenager

17. Room Scent/Humidifier
I do this frequently in the winter and fall. Makes everything seem all nice and cozy while making your rooms smell good and removing the annoying static. If you don't have a wood burning stove you can use a stove top. Take lemon, oranges and any other citrus-y leftover and put it in some water. Let it simmer on the stove

18. Clean and Whiten Nails
You don't need to go to the manicurist. Just rub lemon on your nails. Push the cuticles back and rub them too.

19. Get Rid of Stains on Marble
Only do this as a last resort. Marble is actually a porous material. If you have a stubborn stain to remove take a half of lemon and dip it in salt. Scrub the stain and rinse quickly. I say last resort as it could actually damage your marble if you do it too often.

20. Berry Stains
Few things are more fun than picking berries. You also know few things take away the stains you get from picking. Wash your hands in lemon. Did you know, that you can also get rid of the onion smell this way too?

21. Headaches
I suffer from headaches and I tend to let them go too long before doing anything about them. Hot tea with lots of lemon helps if you don't let them go too long. I have noticed in the cooler months I have few headaches. I think this is due to the fact I drink a lot of hot tea with lemon. Any flavor will do.

22. Chills and Fever
I think this is why hot tea with lemon tastes so good when you're sick. 'Nuff said

23.Vaginal Issues
I totally don't recommend this one. I don't care how safe it is

24. Forget Mothballs
Take whole lemons and poke cloves in them and put them on a shelf in your closet. Gets rid of the musty smell from all the packed up clothes. Hmmmm....

25. Stomach Health
Warm water and lemon or lime helps most digestive problems. It can cut back on indigestion, stomach aches, diarrhea and other stomach ailments

26. Disinfect Cuts and Scrapes
It's like pouring salt on wounds I know, but it can actually stop bleeding and disinfect when poured on the wound. You can even put it on cotton or gauze and dab it on

27. Out Damned Spot!!
You can pour lemon juice on greasy stains on your clothes before you wash them. Ask me. I'm the Soup Drip Queen

28. Bleaching Agent
Use it in your laundry to boost colors and whiten whites

29. Musty Smells
You know when your towels are new and fluffy? They always smelled so good when you took them out of the dryer. After a while they start to smell a little musty. Wash a load of towels in lemon juice and bye bye smell. It also helps when your washer starts to smell.

30. Brighten Brass
Cut a lemon in half, dip in salt and polish away.

I know there are probably dozens more uses but these are my favorites. Try them and let me know what you think!

Sunday makes me happy

As I sit here, kicked back on my king sized bed with my husband watching golf, I realized there are few things I enjoy more than a quiet, lazy Sunday. (The other things are: time with my family, the beach/being outdoors and being creative in my brilliance).

I'm sitting here with my kitty curled up, sleeping and my sweet piggies playing between me and the Mister and I realized how blessed I am. I have the best hubby in the world- sorry, girls, it's true-and my sweet furbabies, the most gorgeous grandkids and awesome sons and their wives, the best mom and dad ever and life just doesn't get any sweeter. 

Thank You, Jesus! 

Monday, August 5, 2013

The countdown begins!

There are trips I take every year that are like clockwork. My February trip to see my sweet grandchildren and the trip my Mister's company sends us on every year. We also take an anniversary trip every year but I am not sure we will this year.

This year, we will be going to Sunriver Resort about 15 miles south of Bend, Oregon for the Mister's Service Weekend. What I love about the Service Weekends is we have to attend a dinner on Saturday night where they give away prizes. IPods, Kindles, TVs, Keurigs, gas cards and the big prize, a trip to Tahoe. The rest of the weekend is ours to do as we wish. A paid weekend with a few hours for a dinner out of my time? I think so.  I dig this place. Beautiful views and the scenic drive through the mountains is spectacular in the fall. We take the scenic route on the way home. The road follows a river (for which I can't remember the name of right now.) We will be going in November. There is a little town on the way named Sisters, Oregon. It has a bunch of little shops and places to check out. Very quaint with it's wooden walkways. I'm really looking forward to spending a little more time there this year. I will be picking up some Oregon tea. Marionberry and huckleberry. Perfect addition to chilly fall and winter evenings.

Once the visit to Sunriver is done, I begin to look forward to my February visit. Next May? MAUI!!!

I'm really not sure what I'm doing.

About a year ago I decided I wanted to embroider. Mind you, I haven't a clue as to what I am doing. I bought a dresser scarf with flowers on it. I don't use dresser scarves but it looked easy. I figure I could give it as a gift to someone. Something I made lovingly with my own two hands. As of this day I have a few strands of grass completed. Back in February I was going through some stuff when I went to Nebraska and found some wooden embroidery rings in several sizes and a Pirouette clown (dated 1987) that a portion of it had been started. I finally sat down a few days ago and began to work on it. I have found that I really enjoy it.  I didn't realize how relaxing a craft it is. No directions came with it but I am winging it and it looks alright so far. Once I finish it I will decide whether to turn it in to a wall hanging or a pillow. Ideas?

Sunday, August 4, 2013

More Fun in Deadwood, South Dakota

A great little restaurant to check out in Deadwood is Mustang Sally's. Fantastic burgers. 2 brave souls in our party attempted the 86 burger. If you like jalepeno peppers, try it. Word to the wise though, I don't think they remove the seeds. The Mister and I checked out the Celebrity Hotel Casino and Museum. It's a small little place with costume and movie props lining the walls.

A nice place to gamble (from previous trips) is the Mineral Palace. Right in town is a little hotel called Deadwood Dick's. It has a small casino and antique shop in the front. The hotel is old with a rickety old elevator. Nice taste of the old west. Unfortunately, we missed the Wild West shoot out when we got there. We got in to town a little late and happened to get caught in a little thunder storm. I just added a few more pictures of the cabin in Terry's Peak
 Elvis outfit and Stevie Nick's tamourine
Shawshank Redemption

Visit the Black Hills

Last month the Mister and I went to visit the grandkids. My sons and their wives and we rented a cabin outside of Lead, South Dakota at a resort called Terry's Peak. It was roughly a 15-20 minute drive in to Deadwood. Beautiful area. The only down side was there were a lot of areas where they had road construction on 2 lane winding country roads. The weekend was filled with sightseeing and shopping. Of course, no trip to the Black Hills is complete with out a trip to Mt. Rushmore. Admission is free but it is $11.00 to park. Deadwood is a fun area too, but not a lot to do for kids. Lots of fun and gambling for adults. (We'll save that for later).

After leaving Mt. Rushmore, we went to the Cosmos Mystery area. This is a tour. You can't go in by yourself, but it is a fun tour. The guide takes you through the cabins that were discovered in the 1950's by a couple of college students. This is probably one of the greatest things I have ever experienced. The farther in to the cabin you go, the more weird you feel. Word to the wise: Hold on to the rails they provide. My 3 year old grandson let go and took a nifty little roll across the floor. Gravity whisked him away. You will watch nature defy the laws of gravity. My grandies faced each other and were eye level. They switched places and one was taller than the other. My son stood on a block and leaned forward and assumed a Superman pose. Water flowed uphill and tennis balls sit still on a slanted block. Trees bent into a dome and 9 year olds balance on a chair with 2 legs of the chair suspended in air. The tour is $9.50 for adults and 11 and under are free (when accompanied by an adult.) Well worth the money and time

The high point for the grandkids was Reptile Gardens in Rapid City. Admission for the summer season (May - Sept. 2) for adults is $16. Kids ages 5-12 is $11 and 4 and under are free. Lizards and gators, and frogs (OH MY!) Oh, and snakes, too. For the record, I dislike frogs with a passion.

Also, just right down the road from Reptile Gardens is the Putz N Glo Putt-Putt course. Black light putt-putt that starts in the 50's with Elvis and takes you through the 90's. Grab a light lunch and then play a round. A round for adults will run $8.95 and kids 5-11 $7.95. Right outside and across the parking lot is the Maze Run. Try your hand at spelling out the word GOLD throughout the maze. Make it a package with the putt-putt and the maze and it's $12.00.
Majesty of Mt Rushmore

Putz N Glo

Maze Run
Hunting for Gold

I really love this picture. I was actually taking a picture of the flag and didn't realize I had a reflection.
Trees defy gravity
Welcome to the Cosmos Mystery Area

Shouldn't this be rolling downhill?
This guy was over 15 feet long!

Miner in an outhouse?