Monday, September 23, 2013

Not Bad For A Crazy Woman

I did my first batch of real candles, with scents and dyes and everything. I have to say I am very impressed with the outcome.  Before you start, heat your oven to about 120. I just turned mine on warm. Put your jars on a cookie sheet and put them in the oven. You don't want to pour hot wax into cold jars. Leave them in there while the wax melts. I took them out as needed. On warm they shouldn't be too hot but still be careful
Ten pounds of soy

Very easy to work with

Use about a pound and put it in your pouring pot. Don't forget to use a pan you won't really care what happens to it. Fill it with about 2-3 inches of water and you have a double boiler

Lavender dye in the wax. Heating to between 160 and 180 degrees. (Add your dye and fragrance oil after it is melted. You will need approximately 1 oz of fragrance oil per pound of soy and shavings or drops of dye. Play with it til you get the color you want.)

Add your glue dot to the bottom of the wick

Use a straw to put the wick in and give it a firmer press to the bottom of the jar

Use a wick bar to keep the wick centered and pour your wax

Once you know the wick will be stable you can remove the wick bar and cut the wick to about a quarter inch. Put a lid on them and let them cure about a week before you light them.

Pictured is Blueberry and Apple n' Peel. I also made Autumn Harvest and Coconut milk with kiwi and lavender.

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